The Timeless Cutting-Edge Reality Creation book.
Learn the secrets to dissolve unwanted reality and harness your true creative power to manifest magical outcomes.

Do you ever wish you could acquire magical powers and transform your life?

Do you sometimes sense, there is immense power somewhere in you, and all your problems would be solved if you could tap into that power?

Do you feel there is more of you, waiting to be released – limitless and wildly creative?

What if there’s a way to extract power out of your unwanted situations, dissolve them, and harness that power to create new, magical outcomes?

Then this is the book you’ve been waiting for...

Magical Possibilities: The Art Of Dissolving Unwanted Reality gives you the cutting-edge, powerful method to dissolve the undesirable situations in your life.  In the process, you will naturally undo old, limiting patterns, heal inadequacies, and reclaim your true powers as a magical being.

The material in this book is unlike conventional teachings about reality creation and manifesting (mainstream law of attraction teachings).  If you prefer to follow the herd, this would not appeal to you.  If, on the other hand, you are a seeker of unconventional wisdom and cutting-edge spiritual technology (or just tired of the cliched self-help stuff out there), you will love this book.

Then this is the book you’ve been waiting for...

Magical Possibilities: The Art Of Dissolving Unwanted Reality gives you the cutting-edge, powerful method to dissolve the undesirable situations in your life.  In the process, you will naturally undo old, limiting patterns, heal inadequacies, and reclaim your true powers as a magical being.

The material in this book is unlike conventional teachings about reality creation and manifesting (mainstream law of attraction teachings).  If you prefer to follow the herd, this would not appeal to you.  If, on the other hand, you are a seeker of unconventional wisdom and cutting-edge spiritual technology (or just tired of the cliched self-help stuff out there), you will love this book.

Some benefits reported:

• Transform your health, relationships, work and more.
• Shift the undesirable situations in your life.
• Connect with your personal power in a real way.
• No more victimhood – take charge from a position of power.
• Eliminate stress, worry and fear.
• Undo old, dysfunctional patterns.
• Release old hurts, blames and resentments.
• Reclaim your true, creative powers.
• Become magnetic to delightful outcomes.
• Expand your mindset into possibilities.
• Become your true, authentic self.
• Open up to magic and miracles.
• Become more trusting in the effortless flow of life.

Harness Your Magical Powers to create a life of
Love, Beauty and Magic.

What Fans of Magical Possibilities Say


Magical Experiences

This course has and continues to change my life in beautiful ways! It helped me realize and embrace that, this one way that I see things, think a  thought, live an experience, be in a situation – is one of so many other possibilities, and if I simply choose to let that one perspective go, so many others (that I couldn’t even imagine) can be in my life.  It also showed me how to take back my energy, my power from negative experiences and thoughts that I can sooo do without in my life but I had held on to them for so many years. The course opened something in me – the possibility to believe that magical experiences are possible for me every time, all the time! My life is a work in progress, there’s still dissolving to be done, but thanks to this course I know how to do that and how to bring magical realities into my life.

S. N.

Warm Blanket of Calm and Self-Worth

Due to a situation, major toxic gossip, directed at my wife and I. I became furious. Triggering all the fear and threatening emotional debris of the past. The judgement tapes began to loop. Anger coupled with heartbreaking sadness was bringing me to my emotional knees. The other night I couldn’t sleep. Over and over again, the tapes kept looping.

I put my headphones on. Started your guided meditation. Viola! Everything began to untangle, dissolve. It became crystal clear to me.  id it solve the situation…no. However, I began to harness all the power I had sacrificed. I replayed the meditation. Not only did things become even more transparent. The veil of the illusion vanished. As I felt a warm blanket of calm,and self worth. I realized I was smiling. Ha!

This guided meditation you created was custom built for me! Your a brilliant woman Amyra. I always smile when I think of all the knowledge you have presented me. My spiritual pouch is plump. I now have the tools and confidence to navigate through emotionally charged situations without tipping over.

I just wanted to say Thank You!


Discovering Magic

Describing what I’ve gained out of working with Amyra is almost impossible.  She never ceases to amaze me.  Every session with her is a reminder of how truly magical life can be, even when it seems desperately overwhelming.  Perhaps the greatest gift I have received from Amyra is the realisation that there is nothing that my soul doesn’t know.  Every day I find that I am able to surrender to, and accept the unknown, thus discovering the magic that is just waiting to unfold.  I am learning to listen to the wisdom of my soul, and for the first time in my life, I feel really guided.  Thank you Amyra.

Z. O.

More Commas Than I Had Ever Seen

I signed up to participate in the Magical Possibilities – Dissolving Unwanted Realities workshop knowing I really wanted to work on being more positive and optimistic about outcomes in my life. I left my corporate career at the end of last year… I hadn’t anticipated how quickly my savings would dwindle. I started the course feeling extremely anxious about money. A few days later, I was in Nakumatt Junction hoping that my card wouldn’t decline my 2000 kshs shopping. The card worked and I was so relieved! On the way out, I went over to my bank ATM, time to bite the bullet and really see what I had left. I was worried and praying… My bank balance receipt popped out of the machine, I saw more commas on my balance than I had ever seen before, I was jumping up and down like a child holding on to her dream toy in a toy store! It was my first magical possibility and more have been flowing through since! When I became aware of seeing things and experiences as only one option in many, even infinite, possibilities, I realized that everything and more is truly possible.


Life Is Malleable

I’ve purchased your book, workbook and guided meditation package and have found much value in your teaching.  I am a longtime student of awareness… wishing to create my greatest self and life.  Your material made all the pieces in my study come together.  My life IS malleable and I am in process of pursuing better possibilities.  Thank you for touching my life in such a positive way!

P. T.

See Shifts Everyday

Magical Possibilities opened me to a new level of Awareness…  The concept of retracting judgements and freeing yourself from unwanted reality is really working.  I can see shifts every day in myself and in the people around me.

M. A.

Sheer Unadulterated Miracles

Since I have been using the Dissolving Unwanted Realities and Creating Magical Possibilities tools, I have been enjoying just that!  Some of the magical possibilities were so unbelievable even to myself that I can only term them as sheer unadulterated miracles.

I urge you to open yourself to the land of miracles with the tools and wisdom that Amyra shares.  Today.

J. P.

Vibrant Resonance With Universe

I began the guided journey exhausted thinking I’d only had two hours sleep last night and I was worried that I would fall asleep.  Instead, I started getting relaxed awareness, and when Amyra said we’ve now reclaimed all your energy and you should be feeling some heat, I was already thinking that the room I was sitting in was unbearably hot!  I went to the large air-conditioned room and within minutes felt I was revitalised, in vibrant resonance with the Universe as if I was in a peak state in a Tony Robbins’ seminar.  What an awesome process with what an awesome guide!  Thank you so much Amyra.

G. B.

Her Techniques Have Released Me

Amyra has been a godsend to me.  I couldn’t see my way out of the confusion that was my life… But with Amyra’s gentle coaching I can now see that “magical possibilities” is not just a concept but undeniably a part of my life.  She’s been able to relate to my “blocks” and has taught me techniques that have released me.  Besides her knowledge and her abilities, Amyra is a warm, genuine and unpretentious soul.


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